PIG stands for Practicale Interoperability Guides, because that is what started it. It where guides that helped you to setup a Certificate Authority, create accounts in Active Directory using opensource tools and to setup MIT kerberos and OpenLDAP for user maintenance and as a trusted source for AD. However the project slowly starts to expand to more than that. More on this project can be found at http://pig.made-it.com |
DAS Project is a project to provide the tools and eventually even a web interface that will make dealing with LDAP and Kerberos intergration easier. More on this project can be found at http://das.made-it.com |
The Connectivity Knowledge Platform provides a collection of documents about (almost) everything you always wanted to know about LAN, WAN, serial and parallel connections and more. |
Documents written to support the GNUstep project. GNUstep is an Object Oriented framework for the easy creation of applications. It's derived from NeXTSTEP and is highly compatible with Apple Mac OS X (Cocoa framework). |
Other documents about ICT related subjects. Those do not fit into a specific category, but might be useful to you. |
The tools section holds little scripts written to make life easier. We hope they work for you too. |
Dutch only: Open source Schoolboeken Schoolboeken en andere documenten in PDF onder een open source licentie. |